Website-no good

Home Forums General Discussion Website-no good

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  • #583

    There is nothing being posted like in the past; My opinion. In the past everyday there was something posted good or bad. Now nothing. Perhaps the OIC of the BUSMVA should educate members re: how to get onboard. No disrespect to anyone. Again with all respect; many members are not PC literate. It takes time to learn. Super bowl; tom brady wins again.


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    • #593

      There is no “OIC” but there are Forum Instructions on the web site tab, right next to the Forums tab itself.

      For those interested in participating in the Forums discussions, all it takes is to read those instructions, provide some basic information, and dues-paid BUSMVA members will be registered on the site. I check my email several times per day and am pretty responsive to registration requests.

      As to participation – well, any new thing that replaces a familiar old thing will be met hesitatingly — if at all. It’s completely up to the member to participate or not.

      The primary reason for the change, as it has already been explained in the December newsletter – and all paid BUSMVA members received that newsletter – was the old hosting company was overcharging BUSMVA ridiculous amounts of money for the most basic services. The software – while functional – was extremely old and not supported any more, even by the software developer himself.

      So a change was inevitable. The change may not be liked or appreciated, but the change had to happen. BUSMVA was paying 12 times the amount of money it should have been paying for a web site and bulletin board/forum. That is YOUR money and MY money that was being ripped off. I was in a position to do something about that, and that’s exactly what I did.

      I hope this provides some context as to what has happened. Participation in this forum is indeed encouraged, and I hope the same Berlin veterans who enjoyed the old system gravitate toward this one.

      Berlin U.S. Military Veterans Association, Inc.

    • #667
      James Carpenter

      Some of us,me included must be slow learners for new programs. Quit griping and learn to follow the instructions. Allen will assist you if you ask for help.

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