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		<title>Forum Tips &#8211; Berlinveterans</title>
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					<title><![CDATA[Forum Tips]]></title>
					<pubDate>Sat, 26 Jan 2019 11:22:11 +0000</pubDate>

						<p>This Forum&#8217;s purpose is to list out tricks and tips to help those who are looking for a change.</p>
<p>In no particular order:</p>
<li>Text too small to read on the Forums? Try pressing and holding your &lt;Ctrl&gt; button while you rotate the center wheel on your mouse. (Obviously, you have to have a mouse with a center wheel to do this.) You&#8217;ll find your text enlarging or getting smaller, depending on the direction you rotate the wheel. Just rotate to the setting you like, and give your eyes a break!</li>
<div class="bbp-signature"><p>Webmaster<br />
Berlin U.S. Military Veterans Association, Inc.</p>
</div>						]]>

