Journey for Justice
Wednesday March 22, 2023
My name is Donald Izzo. I am a Veteran of peace time and war time.I served from August 1985 to June 21 1991. I served in Berlin from December 1988 to June 1991. 4th 502nd CSC Scout Platoon. Brigade G3 Operations. On September 1st, I will embark on a journey for Suicide Awareness due to losing my only child to this terrible epidemic. Thats just what it is ; “An Epidemic”! I will be live-streaming and hope to raise awareness of this terrible, terrible cataclysmic tragedy ! The injustice that was rendered to my family and my son! My son passed on March 6th 2017 at the age of 15 years old! He reached out for help to a crisis call center in Reno Nevada and communicated with not only 1 crisis employee “BUT 2” ! He told them that he wanted to “Kill himself and it was going to be by hanging if he couldn’t find a gun anytime soon”! He presented with High Risk Language and also told them his age of 15! “THEY DID NOTHING”! Weeks later my son was gone! This is a Journey for Justice!