Forums – the Forums page is divided into various categories. These include, but aren’t limited to, General Discussion, Sports Talk, and Reunion Talk. You may go to any of those categories and read what’s there or initiate a post. Each initiated post may be commented on by others, just as in the previous bulletin board.

Create or reply to a topic – Click on the forum title closest to the topic you want to discuss. Select the link to initiate a new topic or reply to one that’s already there.

Upload photos to your post– Scroll to the bottom of your post to see where you can upload up to 4 photos which will be displayed as thumbnails. To show the full version of the photo, just click on the thumbnail and it should enlarge.

Your Profile– After logging in, you should see a welcome greeting with “Howdy, Username” at the upper right corner of your screen. Hover your mouse or pointer on that welcome greeting and you’ll see various options, including one to edit your profile. Click on the link to edit your profile and examine the next page that comes up. You can change all manner of things. You may enter as much about yourself as you’d like, including uploading an avatar, which is displayed alongside your forum posts and replies. You can also add a Forum signature, which can include your name, nickname, certifications, or even graphic images (think your ribbon rack, for example). You can add some biographical information, such as your dates and unit(s) you served in Berlin. This is your opportunity to be creative.

Certain areas of this site are open to the public. Other areas are exclusively for members of BUSMVA in good standing.

You must be registered on the site to view the online forum/bulletin board. You must also be registered to post comments on either the News tab or the online Forum/bulletin board.

If you are a BUSMVA member in good standing and you wish to register on the site, please send an email to with the following information:

Once you receive a return email from the Webmaster indicating registration, go to the Login page on the banner and log in using either your User Name or your email address and password. You can reset your password through your profile. See below to access your profile.

Changing Your Password – Either accept the very long “secure” password they offer, or put in your own. If the system thinks you have a weak password and you want to use it anyway, click on the box confirming use of the weak password.

Save Your Changes– Whatever changes you make, make sure to scroll all the way down and click on “Update Profile” to save it. Otherwise, none of the changes you make will happen.

If you’d like to see an additional forum, for example one on Checkpoint Charlie’s history, contact the Webmaster (email and one will be created for you. There can’t be an endless series of individual forums, which is how the previous bulletin board was structured. Find your category/topic and create or reply to posts.

Please note one weakness in the bbpress forum layout – new responses to topics appear at the bottom rather than at the top, which is logical. This is an irritant for many (me too), but it’s one we’ll have to live with until the developers engineer a workaround that doesn’t involve a lot of code.