Checkpoint Charlie Book

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  • #1077

    Checkpoint Charlie:  The Cold War, The Berlin Wall, and the Most Dangerous Place On Earth by Iain MacGregor. Anyone know when/if the book is to be released? Last I heard was in November 2019. I checked with Barnes and Noble. They do not have the book yet. Thanking all in advance.  Regards, ED. 


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  • Author
    • #1078
      Christopher Tureaud

      It looks like it is available on Amazon right now

    • #1079
      Chuck Johns

      That sounds like a good book.  I’ll have to check it out.  What do we  know about the author?  Anything other than the book cover?

    • #1112

      Chuck – the author is a British historian, author, and publisher. He took the project on as a bit of a lark after some discussion with his family and three years later, this is the result. One thing that I think is very notable – it’s not a dry, historical account devoid of personality. He wrote the book based on people’s stories, which is, in my view, a far better way to lend an historical account. We can relate to stories about people far better than we can a bunch of numbers and dates.

      I think it’s a great effort and Dr. MacGregor did a fabulous job. He solicited some stories from BUSMVA members as well.

      Berlin U.S. Military Veterans Association, Inc.

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