Army Train Conductors

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  • #1751

    We have any members who were train conductors (ARMY SGTS)?  who rode the trains between W. Berlin and Bremerhaven; Frankfurt; or other locations in W. Germany?  My unit the 570th MP Co., Hdqtrs. was in Frankfurt a/Main; my unit was in W. Berlin. I guess the train conductors were attached  with the transportation corps. I remember one member: :  Sgt. Robin Hood;  really that was his name. Anybody remember him?  My better half since 1965 tell’s me I should write a book of my time in W. Berlin.  Maybe/probably will. Since I am retired I probably will.    Until later.  


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  • Author
    • #1769
      R. W. Rynerson

      The train conductors were part of the Movement command at Mannheim (I may be wrong).  West of Helmstedt they were in charge.  Several of them were professional railroaders who had been drafted and thereby retained their civilian seniority.

      -- rwr

    • #1770
      R. W. Rynerson


      if you are thinking of writing up your experiences perhaps you could start with an anecdote or summary of some incident to post in the “My Berlin Stories” forum in this website. As with any big project it’ll be easier if you just do it in small pieces.

      I have a Berlin history website (search for “Berlin 1969” in Google or Bing) and it has about the same size as a book. I’ve added to it for over two decades. If I had just sat down to write it all at once I would have quit.

      -- rwr

    • #1814
      William Castillon

      Search for your friend on sites like Been, and people This helped me find people station in the Army many years in the past!

    • #1816

      Thanks, will try.  ED


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