BUSMVA holds annual reunions, generally during the summer/early autumn months. The potential sites are investigated, researched, and selected by the Reunion Director, generally two years in advance.

 As our membership is scattered throughout the U.S., with a few in Europe, BUSMVA selects reunion venues on a rotating geographical basis.

      • This year, 2024, It is time for our 4th Year BACK TO BERLIN membership reunion.

Reunion 2024


NEW REUNION 2024 BERLIN ACTIVITY – You are invited to join BUSMVA’s Air Force members on Monday, October 7, 2024 for an evening visit to Tempelhof Central Airport (TCA). Designed by Nazi architects, home of the Berlin Airlift and post-war headquarters of the 7350th Air Base Group, this visit will include a behind-the-scenes, one of a kind tour of some of the most interesting parts of the massive facility; dinner in an historic restaurant; and a public panel discussion of what it was really like for members and dependents at the US Air Force facilities at TCA. Space is limited – Sign up now by emailing BUSMVA Secretary (and Air Force veteran) J. B. Kump at jb.kump@gmail.com with your request, to include your relationship (if any) to TCA; job title while in Berlin; years served in Berlin; and number in your party (limit to two). Some walking is involved in the tour.




  • BUSMVA shirts, hats, jackets
  • Comfortable walking shoes
  • Dressy casual, business casual and just casual outfits
  • Medications
  • Passport
  • Travel insurance documents
  • Raincoat, umbrella
  • Voltage adapter and device charging cords
  • Refillable water bottle
  • *washcloths (hotel does not provide)