I loved Berlin

Home Forums My Berlin Stories I loved Berlin

  • Creator
  • #3571
    Johnne L. Ables

    Hi All,

    I served in Berlin during the ’70s and I absolutely loved it.  Once as a single GI and once married.

    My daughter was born there in fact. I visited Berlin a couple of time much later as a civilian.

    Once in 2001 when my daughter was stationed in Germany with the USAF and again in 2015

    when another old Berlin hand invited to visit him.

    If anyone wants to meet face-to-face I’d be up for it. I live in NC now.

    I replied to another post recently a mentioned the names of several other old Berlin hands who

    I know are still upright and breathing.

    All the best to all!




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  • Author
    • #3678
      R. W. Rynerson

      Have you considered attending one of the BUSMVA reunions?  Especially one in Berlin.  I was fortunate enough to make several trips before health slowed me down.  I’m glad that I did it when I had the energy to take some side trips.

      In 2002 I rode the Duty Train route from Berlin to Hannover.  When the conductor learned I was an Army railroader, he arranged for me to ride up front with the engineer.  Here’s the bug-spattered view of West Germany from East Germany.  The trees were planted to hide the border death strip.  Every trip had something unexpected, mostly good.

      First view of West from East Germany in 2002

      -- rwr

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