Golf/PGA Players

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  • #683

    This weekend the PGA players tournament is being played. With all respect to TIGER all the media is talking about is TIGER. Tiger this; Tiger that. Well Tiger is over the hill like all of us!!! I love Tiger because of his political affilation; but Tiger go home; retire. Gee I wonder if my comments on the forum will be deleted. Nothing else is being posted of importance; so why not my comments. What happened during our tour of duty in W. Berlin is important; but only to BUSMVA members. I’m sure some BUSMVA members will not like my comments; but this is the 21st century. Let’s discuss/post something relevant to todays world.


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  • Author
    • #684
      Larry Rugg

      Ed, I agree with you about the media going overboard on Tiger. Time to give more coverage to the up and coming players.

    • #685
      Larry Gustafson

      Ed, Have no problem with your comments. A lot of places all over are now experiencing flooding. Where we live , Rockford Ill., the Rock River is over the banks and surrounding areas are also flooding. West of here in Freeport a man was on the news stating in all his 82 years never seen it this bad.

    • #686

      Thanks Larry Rugg. Larry Gustafson; God bless you; stay safe. Strange weather this year. Keep us advised. Berlin. never had flooding but cold; cold weather. The good old days.


    • #722
      John Hamilton

      It looks like Tiger did it again !


      • #724
        Larry Gustafson

        Yes he did John. Was at the OTB the other day and a few guys were talking about it and one of them was saying at the beginning real good odds on Tiger not doing it and when he did some people made some good money. I just watch a few races and try to pick a couple winners or a gimmick race. Will not be long till May 4th, Derby Day.

    • #742
      John Hamilton

      Larry     What  happened  at  that horses race Saturday .?      JMH.

      • #743
        Larry Gustafson

        John, Was out to the OTB the next day and of course several people were there talking about it. One of the guys has a grandson that trains horses and he also keeps in contact with a retired jockey. He had some good pictures of the race close up that shows the #7 horse bumping into the #1 horse. What could of happened could of been a disaster if the horse would of fallen. Of course others had their opinion as one guy said why didn’t the stewart’s  called the objection and not the jockey. Made for a lot of conversation and still will. A lot of people thought they had a winner until 22 minutes later. I did not have it either way.

    • #804
      John Hamilton

      Larry\ : what is tiger going to do  coming up?  JMH.

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