Moon Landing

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  • #939

    Fifty years ago, Neal Armstrong stepped on the moon. It was about 110 degrees in Chu Lai, Vietnam that day. Five months later I had the opportunity to meet Neal while he was touring with the Bob Hope show. Great memories.

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  • Author
    • #940
      Chuck Johns

      You do have some great memories.  I was all of 16 years old and visiting my uncle in Houston when Armstrong stepped onto  the moon.  At the completion of the moon walk, I walked outside in the dark and stared up at the moon.  Somehow it looked different since there were men on it.

      • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Chuck Johns.
    • #942

      I was all set to go on duty re: 2400-0800 tour for  my pd. I was ready to leave my home  when on TV the landing  was occuring. I watched it and then left for work. Interesting topic to discuss via BUSMVA about where you were!!! on that date. Anyone remember their first day in Germany  upon arriving via the slow boat’s to China!!!! Maurice Rose; Geiger; and others.  My voyage to the DB was on the Maurice Rose. Great; calm sea’s. Hopefully something to discuss re; BUSMVA.  Enjoy the HEAT in the east.  I never had a hot/humid day in Germany during my tour of duty. 


    • #943
      Chuck Johns

      The summer of 1974 was a hot one.  Germans were dropping due to the heat.  We were in the field a couple of weeks in August and it was tough.

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