Welcome Home Tours

The State of Berlin Charted Checkpoint Charlie Stiftung (Checkpoint Charlie Foundation (CCF)) has sponsored a Berlin-supported program that brings a select number of former Berlin military veterans back to Berlin for approximately one week of tours, meetings, and camaraderie. We are pleased to announce that CCF will again sponsor this tour in 2025.
Hotel costs, tour costs and a small stipend for meals are provided by the Checkpoint Charlie Foundation. Selected BUSMVA members provide their own transportation to and from Berlin, to the hotel, and must adhere to a few guidelines.
Number of Selectees authorized: 12
Scheduled dates: TBD. Early July 2025, and early October 2025 are under consideration
For more information, please check the Checkpoint Charlie Foundation’s web site, at http://www.cc-stiftung.de/index.php/welcome-home/or contact the Webmaster webmaster@berlinveterans.com and your request will be forwarded to the CCF Coordinator.
Welcome Home Program Policy, Roles and Procedures:
The BUSMVA Board authorized the “Welcome Home” Program Policy, Roles, and Procedures on November 18, 2018. The following requirements apply:
Be a current BUSMVA member in good standing (dues paid for current year).
Provide either a DD214 or Discharge Certificate indicating an Honorable discharge. Please redact your social security number if it is shown on the document.
Sign a waiver relinquishing BUSMVA of all financial liability.
Must meet all application requirements and timelines established by CCF.
Must agree to participate in each and every event on the schedule established by CCF for the “Welcome Home” tour. As CCF funds all events on the tour, it is neither appropriate nor permitted to forego the scheduled tours unless a medical or family emergency arises and a CCF staff member excuses the Selectee from the tour.
Must be willing and able to personally fund all transportation expenses to and from Berlin, all charges for any additional accommodations beyond the duration of the program and any other incidental charges not covered by the program (phone calls, etc.)
Must be physically able to walk reasonable distances at a moderate pace and climb stairs. A typical day may see you walking up to 15,000 steps.
A copy of the current policy may be found at this link: https://berlinveterans.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/BUSMVA-Policy-001-Welcome-Home-Program-Policy-Roles-and-Procedures-effective-2-24-20.pdf
Additional Criteria:
Applicant’s dates of last active service in Berlin followed by the date of his/her last visit to Berlin will be considered in the selection process. Applicants with the oldest service dates will be given first priority. Applicants then will be prioritized based on last date of visit to Berlin.
Previous or final rank, branch, or component of military service are not considerations for selection for the “Welcome Home” tour.
Selectees are encouraged to go to Berlin by themselves, i.e., without family/friends, to ensure they have more time with the rest of the group to bond over shared experiences as they are going through the program. Selectees must agree to not schedule personal events until after all official tour events are completed. Spouses and family members are not included in CCF funded lodging or in any “Welcome Home” tour events. Many participants meet family members in Berlin after final events on the last tour date are concluded.
As required for all international travel, Selectees must have a valid U.S. passport with an expiration date at least 6 months after completion of travel. It is also strongly suggested that Selectees obtain travel insurance which would cover applicable expenses in the event of the Selectee’s cancellation, as well as travel medical insurance as there are no military medical facilities.
The European Union (EU) Entry/Exit System (EES) is expected to go into effect in May 2025 but not up yet to register (https://travel-europe.europa.eu/ees_en). EES is part of the EU European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS). (https://travel-europe.europa.eu/etias/what-etias_en) Recommend all planning travel to Europe monitor these sites for activation. There is a registration fee, but registration is not a visa and for tourist travel no visas are necessary for Americans going to the EU. A separate entry requirement exists if your itinerary includes a stay over in the United Kingdom (England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland). This is the UK Entry Travel Aauthorization (ETA0 (The UK ETA for American Travelers: Everything You Need to Know – ETA for the United Kingdom)
There is no longer a vaccination card requirement for entering Germany or returning to the USA.

How to apply: Complete the contact form below to the BUSMVA Welcome Home Tour Coordinator. Please note this does not comprise your actual application. Interested applicants will need to complete an actual application and submit it to the Welcome Home Coordinator for processing.
The Welcome Home tour is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity with all on-site expenses covered., so get your application now!

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