A Request, Reminder and a Chewing out!

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  • #1360
    Manny English

    In the following words that I write this message and  from the viewpoint of my past experience serving as a platoon sergeant, squadron commander, and professor, each of you who read/care about BUSMVA needs to start posting and reading this bulletin board, or FORUM! It is clear without your involvement this FORUM, and perhaps BUSMVA as well, will soon fade away. Yes, we are interested in what you have to say about our “Good Old Days in Berlin.” As the song goes “Those were the days my friend, we thought they would never end.” The days of yesterday have gone, but let us keep our memories alive. Serving is Berlin was a duty, honor, and privilege for each of us and we all helped keep our America safe. Just post anything that comes to your thoughts. If you don’t KP and guard duty may be ordered for 30 days. Come on, you can do this!!!

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  • Author
    • #1361
      Larry Gustafson

      First off have said before how lucky I was to have been sent to Berlin, Aug 1,1966 to Feb. 7 1969, and what a great experience it was. Just one story after  I arrived in Berlin and been there about 2 weeks I almost got KP when in line in the mess hall  and the head cook was cooking hamburgers and I said ” They are small enough a pickle slice will cover them and only a little cigarette ash.” He had a few words to say and I went to the back of the line. Not to smart for a private but  we talked later and it worked out.

    • #1362

      Spent 1 year in Berlin (Nov-1962-Nov-1963). Original orders to Frankfurt 570th MP Co. They wanted volunteers for the W. Berlin unit. I raised my right hand (LOL). I heard the frauleins outnumbered the men in the divided city. I was not disappointed. That’s another story (LOL). Remember we were all young in 1962-1963. 


    • #1381
      R. W. Rynerson

      This isn’t the easiest bulletin board to navigate — and I run my own website on WordPress so some of it is familiar to me.  I’m going to give it a test by attaching a sample of how the Army invites one to a picnic, and we’ll see if it gets posted.

      G-2 picnic

      -- rwr

    • #1387

      The good ol’ DF. Then computers and word processors came along and POOF! No more DFs. They went to Memoranda, with very specific formatting rules.

      We don’t need no stinkin’ carbon paper, onionskin, or carbon sets either!

      Berlin U.S. Military Veterans Association, Inc.

    • #1388

      This particular forum (it’s called “bbpress”) is the most common used in the WordPress system. I selected it for its relative ease in use, but it has more than a few options such as the one you’ve used to post the DF.

      bbpress does take a little study to learn how to use. The simple fact is there are many members who are resistant to change and when the old bulletin board went away not quite two years ago now, they have not embraced this new system. Consequently the forum has not been used as frequently as the old board.

      It is what it is. The old bulletin board was archaic and prone to all manner of security problems, which we frankly don’t need. So I’m hopeful more can jump on the bandwagon and get the forum rockin’ again.


      This isn’t the easiest bulletin board to navigate — and I run my own website on WordPress so some of it is familiar to me. I’m going to give it a test by attaching a sample of how the Army invites one to a picnic, and we’ll see if it gets posted. G-2 picnic

      Berlin U.S. Military Veterans Association, Inc.

      • #1394
        R. W. Rynerson

        I always felt sorry for whoever received the bottom flimsy of our logs, reports, etc.  I was familiar with the problem from hanging around railway telegraph offices when I was a student.  It’s a wonder that there weren’t more train wrecks from illegible Train Orders.  Somehow the Army was able to carry out its mission without the bottom guy on the carbons being certain that he knew what we were up to.

        There were cynics who thought that no one read the material, but years later I met an officer who had worked in Heidelberg and he knew about the work we did.  BUT, he may have been closer to the top carbon.

        Regarding the picnic, I missed it.  Being single, I often volunteered to work holidays or family event days.  That paid off with more flexibility when I needed time off.

        -- rwr

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