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  • #1284

    Nothing being posted!!!???.  Is that good or bad?  In my state NJ not much going on because of the virus. Everybody obeying the law;  God willing back to normal soon. 


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    • #1285
      Larry Gustafson

      Same here in Northern Illinois. Some restrictions were relaxed but still mostly the same. Not everyone obeying the Law . The playgrounds are closed but you can go to the parks to take a walk etc. but keep your distance not that there are many people so it is not a problem. Have had a few nice days and the Park District Police were busy breaking up big groups of kids. All basketball hoops and tennis nets taken down also. City Police reporting domestic violence calls took a big rise.  Yes hope everything comes back to normal soon.

    • #1467
      R. W. Rynerson

      Berlin veterans and their families will remember the Onkel-Toms-Hütte U-Bahn Station.  Even if they don’t recall its disconcerting name (which did not intend to refer to the novel) they will remember its unusual shopping center design.  The lower floor lined up level with the U-Bahn platform.  Today, 15 Nov 20, it was damaged in a fire.  No word yet on cause, overall damage, etc.

      Lead paragraph from Der Tagespiegel translated by Google:

      In a fire on Sunday evening, meter-high flames spread to the roof of the Onkel-Toms-Hütte underground station in Berlin-Zehlendorf. A fire brigade spokesman said that a seriously injured person was flown to a special clinic by helicopter with burns. Three people suffered mild smoke inhalation, including a child. By 11:30 p.m. the fire was largely under control.

      Rynerson waits for U-Bahn train

      -- rwr

      • #1470

        In the mid to late Forties, the area surrounding Onkel Toms Hütte was a compound expressly set up for support troops, including WACs and the 298th Army Band. Attached is a photo of the area (courtesy of Sebby Papa, trumpet/euphonium who served with the 298th from 1947-48).

        • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Jerry.
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        Berlin U.S. Military Veterans Association, Inc.

      • #1477
        R. W. Rynerson

        I read about the Onkel-Toms housing in your book and heard about from residents of the area.  I figured that someone would be interested!  A subsequent report states that there was an explosion in the Vietnamese fast food place.  The description sounded like it was a pressurized gas cylinder blowing up.

        A fire seems ironic because that’s what happened to the ausflugsziel forest gasthaus run by a guy named Thomas.  I hiked out there in 2005 with retired GP Reinhard and we found the ruins.

        Reinhard snaps a photo of Onkel-Tom's

        -- rwr

      • #1486
        Larry Gustafson

        Was looking at the last issued of the Observer ,July 15 1994  and seen Capt. Bill Louden and the men of the 287th in the last parade. Just wondered if anyone reading this was in the parade or at the 287th the final days.

    • #1487

      I wasn’t there, but I know many who were “recruited” to play the ceremony with the 298th Army Band (those few who were still there, as the Band had been losing people to other units through attrition).

      I believe the 298th Army Band page on Facebook has several photos of the ceremony. I don’t use Facebook, so I can’t post anything here.

      Berlin U.S. Military Veterans Association, Inc.

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