Reunions for 2020 and 2021 Postponed

Home Forums Reunion Talk Reunions for 2020 and 2021 Postponed

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  • #1451

    It should come as no surprise to anyone that BUSMVA reunions have been negatively impacted by the COVID-19 novel virus. The 2020 Reunion scheduled in Billings, MT in September 2020 was postponed to a later date to be determined.

    The New Orleans Reunion, scheduled in May 2021 has also been postponed to 2022, dates confirmed as July 17-23, 2022.

    The uncertainty of the virus, the various mandates by state and local officials, and the reduction of group sizes have all played into these decisions that, regrettably, the Board was forced to make.

    These changes result in two things:

    • The Berlin Reunion, which would have been planned and scheduled for 2022 is pushed back to a date to be determined in 2023. The venue itself has also not been determined at this time.
    • Since BUSMVA will not have normal Reunions for the years 2020 and 2021, the Board has adopted a strategy of planning for and encouraging members to plan their own “Outings”. The purpose of these “Outings” is to continue the camaraderie and fellowship that we enjoy at normal reunions and to stay in touch with our friends and former colleagues. Please note that these “Outings” will NOT take the place of a regular reunion. They are designed to be shorter in length, perhaps only a day or two or over a long weekend, and be confined to a general geographic area, ideally to reduce travel times to 5 hours or less. You will hear more about this initiative in the December BUSMVA Observer, but for those reading this announcement now, you are asked to consider being a part of planning an outing in your area. The Board has discussed this idea at some length and a planning document is in draft form – this information will be provided to those considering hosting an Outing as a resource and guidance document. Please consider this announcement as the beginning step in trying to bring together BUSMVA in the way we are accustomed – to share our experiences within the former divided city and to enjoy each other’s company. Not having an opportunity to convene for what will become three years (the last reunion was in 2019 in Columbus, GA) is not a prospect the Board favors.
    • This topic was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Jerry.
    • This topic was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Jerry.

    Berlin U.S. Military Veterans Association, Inc.

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