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  • #1513

    Well, we are finally getting snow here in Minnesota.  It took until December 23 for us to get some measurable snow.  Being a 70 year old disabled veteran I think we could do without any.  I remember Christmas of 1970 in Berlin.  The locals said that it was one of the snowiest winters they could remember.  These were our kitchen help and Heinz our 70 year old bartender.  We were using the blade on the tank retriever to plow the tank park.  Then after the first of the year we had a cold snap and had 3 days in a row of -10 degrees for daytime highs.  After a year in Vietnam with the lowest temperature of 72 degrees I determined that it was cold.  To all my fellow Berlin veterans I hope you have a Merry Christmas and hoping for a better new year.  GOD bless you all, GOD bless our troops and GOD bless America.

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  • Author
    • #1522

      Hello  “thedoug”.Wishing you a happy and healthy new year; with NO SNOW “I HOPE”.


    • #1545
      R. W. Rynerson

      I remember that winter because I had never done winter driving before! In April I hit a curb while making a right turn. My partner and I couldn’t figure out why I did that and then we realized that the pavement was dry for the first time and all winter I had been under-steering because the rear of the car swung out like a boat on the slick paving stones.Unmarked cars outside of 287th MP Co.



      -- rwr

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