Welcome to the New Site!

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  • #457

    If you’ve gotten here, you’ve managed to work around the system and get to the new BUSMVA site. It’s not been easy, but in the long run I think it’ll turn out OK. I’ll do my best to watch for new members and and approve them quickly.

    Allen Lawless
    BUSMVA Secretary

    Berlin U.S. Military Veterans Association, Inc.

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  • Author
    • #3278
      R. W. Rynerson

      I’m glad to see it is working better.  For a long time, I couldn’t read or send messages even though there were clues that they still were in here somewhere.  I was beginning to think I’d have to leave messages the way that the Soviets did.

      Graffiti left on Potsdam kaserne by homesick Ukrainian soldier.

      -- rwr

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