Reply To: 4th of July in W. Berlin

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William Castillon

My first forth july in Berlin was on the the bicentennial 1976! For one full week my unit CSC 2/6 infantry practice for the parade grounds at Nc Nair Barracks! The parade ran down Clayallee with review stands around BB HQ ‘s and the Post Exchange. Just the day before the parade I was repairing a book shelf with a chisel? You guess right, I cut my hand and had a large badage. At formation on the 4th of July  parade white gloves were to worn! I was excused, because one glove would not fit! I was off to get my camera and drop off my helmet and blue scarf in my locker. I took the double decker bus to U-bahn station next the parade route. Unfortunately at my location there was many protesters that started yelling at the start of the parade! So I made my way behind the Polizei line for protection, remember I was in Khakis and stood out like my sore hand!