Reply To: A Request, Reminder and a Chewing out!

Home Forums General Discussion A Request, Reminder and a Chewing out! Reply To: A Request, Reminder and a Chewing out!

R. W. Rynerson

I always felt sorry for whoever received the bottom flimsy of our logs, reports, etc.  I was familiar with the problem from hanging around railway telegraph offices when I was a student.  It’s a wonder that there weren’t more train wrecks from illegible Train Orders.  Somehow the Army was able to carry out its mission without the bottom guy on the carbons being certain that he knew what we were up to.

There were cynics who thought that no one read the material, but years later I met an officer who had worked in Heidelberg and he knew about the work we did.  BUT, he may have been closer to the top carbon.

Regarding the picnic, I missed it.  Being single, I often volunteered to work holidays or family event days.  That paid off with more flexibility when I needed time off.

-- rwr