Reply To: Reinhard

Home Forums General Discussion Reinhard Reply To: Reinhard

Christopher Tureaud

Well, my month long Europe trip was a success. Stayed in Berlin, Krakow, Prague, Salzburg, Munich, Istanbul, Zurich and Frankfurt. Had an outstanding time with no issues. It was great to be able to spend several days in Berlin. Every time I go there it is like coming home. Feels great. Of course, we had to eat them out of every curry we could find.


In Krakow, my friend and I went to the central train station to catch the rail to Prague. The whole station was jam packed full of Ukraine refugees and there was no rail space to be had. Poland and Germany were offering free rail to all Ukranians to points west and south. It was good to see that there were so many volunteers assisting the refugees with transportation, food and drink and whatever else they needed. We ended up having to fly to Prague but no big deal. There were a lot of refugees in Prague as well but not nearly as many as in Krakow.


Well, I never heard back from Reinhard after several emails. Guess I will go ahead and be like most of us on here and just write it off to him not wanting to communicate any more. Oh well, what can you do??


