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R. W. Rynerson

When I arrived in June 1969, we were shipping people home via a Pan Am 707 flight to JFK from TXL.  One of my duties in Transportation Corps that summer was to be PFCIC of a German bus driver and a German truck driver with the baggage and a bunch of wild GI’s who all outranked me, at least in time in grade.  The homeward soldiers were out-processed at Fort Hancock.

The Pan Am station manager was an old-timer and so I followed his suggestions when we had any issues.  I think everyone got home.

When my time in the Army ended in Berlin in August 1971 the first 747 services were in use and so we had the flight from Tempelhof to Frankfurt and then Frankfurt to JFK and then a “limo” ride to Fort Dix.  The 707 route was much better, but I understood the economics.

-- rwr