Berlin duty May 1961 to Sept 1963. 280th ASA Company which became 78th USASA Special Opns Unit in fall '61. Stationed at Andrews Barracks, duty station Rudow. Observed and photographed day one of the wall at Brandenburg Gate; arrival of the 1st Battle Group on Aug 20; President Kennedy's visit in 1962; and helplessly sat out the night of the Cuban Missile Crisis at Rudow. (Our rifle cabinets were unlocked, but no ammunition issued -- hey, we're just spooks). But we would have given those tanks a scare!
What to do with my hundreds of photographs?

Jan 1978 - July 1980, 1st PLT 287th MP CO.

287th MP Co (SEP) November 1989 to January 1991
HHC Berlin Brigade January 1991 to February 1992

Commissioned 1970 into MI via Army ROTC at Penn State (DMG). Detailed Infantry, while at IOBC Ft Benning recruited into special ops. 4/72 - 10/73: 1LT, ops officer, 430th MID, 66th MIG, Frankfurt/M. 10/73 - 8/75: CPT, OIC, JIC Hamburg, 18th MI Bn, 66th MIG, 7/78 - 8/82: MAJ, ops officer, USAFSO/USCOB, Berlin. LTC, organized and trained Berlin Det, 3766th MIRTU for CI & spec ops missions. 9/82-7/86: LTC, Chief, FD Tm, 7th Psyops Bn, 97th ARCOM. 91-94: LTC, FAO, plans officer, OJCS, NATO MC, Brussels, BE. 96-97: COL, FAO, USLNO, GE MOD, Bonn, GE. 98-04: COL, FAO, Chief, US Liaison Mission to GE Army, Köln, GE.