Let’s Add Some New Users!
Friday January 11, 2019

James Carpenter
Larry and Dee 9
Manny English

Please re-visit the site and register yourselves. I’ll do my best to approve same, and you’re on your way. The former bulletin board has been replaced by Forums – you can see it on the menu header.

Good luck!

19 thoughts on “Let’s Add Some New Users!

      1. Did not receive email. Would appreciate if you could send again. Thank you. Sorry for inconvenience

        1. John – I’ve sent out dozens of emails in the past few days/week, but I don’t believe I have sent you anything. To register on the site, please do these things:

          Just send me an email ( webmaster@berlinveterans.com) with the following information:

          1. Username. Does not have to be your real name, but it cannot be an email address.
          2. Active email address.
          3. A password of your choosing. If you don’t send me a password, I’ll make one up for you, but the other data is required.

          Allen Lawless

      2. I have checked my e-mail and I haven’t received anything back about getting my new password. I have been with BUSMVA since 2008 and have attended several reunions. I am still waiting to get connected to the bulletin board.

        1. Please check your email. I need certain information from you, then I’ll register you on the site.

  1. I usually don’t comment much, but I really don’t like the idea of a web page that is connected to a mass media group. Every time I try to log in on the regular site of ours and it asks for user name and password it says I have to register with World Press———–trouble is, I am registered and have a user name and password that is not recognized until I keep re-entering the information over and over again then finally some how I get to this page. Was a lot easier on the old web site. Hope it gets straightened out soon.

    1. I have to manually register you until I can sort out the problem. If you’d please send me an email at ar_lawless@yahoo.com, I’ll get you registered. At that point, you’ll be able to log into the Forum. Right now, you can’t log in because you’re not registered.

      I must have your viable email (I cannot determine what it is on this site) and I’ll get you squared away.

  2. I am wondering why that there is no mention of 4th BN 18th INF duty of Berlin Brigade ? I was stationed on McNair compound 1970-71 and served in the 18th INF . Is this an error on the web page or just no knowledge of whoever published this page ?

    1. There is no exhaustive list of all Berlin units on the site. At least, not yet. I have begun assembling a list based on Member information, but this has not yet been uploaded to the site.

      This is not meant to be exclusionary. There were literally hundreds of units in Berlin over the years. Putting that list together takes some time and effort.

    1. Just send me an email ( webmaster@berlinveterans.com) with the following information:

      1. Username. Does not have to be your real name, but it cannot be an email address.
      2. Active email address.
      3. A password of your choosing. If you don’t send me a password, I’ll make one up for you, but the other data is required.

      Allen Lawless

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