any one alive ???

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  • #1028

    Nothing being posted re: Berlin. during our tour of duty. OK; no problem;  we are getting older. And we are still alive.  Auf Wiedersehen. Upon leaving Berlin at the RTO the music was playing. Anyone remember it?  I remember my last last day in Berlin. My unit treated  departing  members; Italian restaurant near the RTO. Anyone remember it’s name? I left W. Berlin in November 1963. Post’s via BUSMVA DOA/.  Maybe we are getting older or older veterans don’t care. I understand. I check the Berlin Veterans website daily. Nothing much being posted. I understand. Enjoy your day.   


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  • Author
    • #1029
      Christopher Tureaud

      Hey Ed, I am still alive.

      I was in Berlin from Sept82 until Mar85. Our unit (287th MP) didn’t really do anything for departing members but I did get a plaque that was pretty nice.

      If anyone wants any BUSMVA patches, coins, or stickers, feel free to hit me up. I will get you order out pretty quickly.

      Several people have asked me about getting the Cold War or Vietnam veteran pins like we got from the National Infantry Museum. I do not have any of those; they were given to the members at the last reunion. I will give the museum a call shortly to find out if we can obtain some from them so we can have them available. I will keep you guys (and gals) posted.


      • #1032

        Chris. Good  you are still alive. Are you  retired from the San Marcos TX PD? If not if you can retire::: say adios; and of course if you can’t retire AMEN. I’ve been retired from the Plainfield NJ PD since August 1991. Thank God good health; Don’t miss PD stuff. I find after you retire from whereever you are not remembered. you are nothing but a name and number. Enjoy your day. ep


      • #1033
        Larry Gustafson

        Ed, I retired from the Rockford Illinois PD and also do not miss it. Get together with guys I used to work with in the 70’s, I started in 69, and we all say the same thing how much it has changed and they can have it. In 2007 there was a vote of confidence on the Chief and it was 276 to6 against him. There were two different marches on city hall where the council room was packed and our union let the council know what the vote was. Nothing was done and he left over 5 years later. No one stays on any more to hit 30 years like before.

      • #1056
        Berry Williams

        Chris, any response from the National Infantry Museum?


    • #1034

      Car 67..Car 4

      10-7 CPC


      • #1037
        Larry Gustafson

        That’s a Roger Car , I will advise Tough Emblem.

    • #1035
      Christopher Tureaud


      I joined SMPD in June of 1986. Right now my plan is to retire in April next year. I think that will be enough.

      I am currently the night shift patrol commander. I also supervise our K9 unit, drone team, FTO program and the traffic homicide unit. They all keep me quite busy.

      A friend and I are leaving on September 24th for two weeks in Europe. We are going to London, Edinburgh, Munich for Octoberfest and then Paris/Normandy. My buddy is a Marine so of course we will have to go to Belleau Woods.

      Should be a fun time. If anyone happens to be in the area just let me know.


      • #1042

        Ed/Larry I joined SMPD in June of 1986. Right now my plan is to retire in April next year. I think that will be enough. I am currently the night shift patrol commander. I also supervise our K9 unit, drone team, FTO program and the traffic homicide unit. They all keep me quite busy. A friend and I are leaving on September 24th for two weeks in Europe. We are going to London, Edinburgh, Munich for Octoberfest and then Paris/Normandy. My buddy is a Marine so of course we will have to go to Belleau Woods. Should be a fun time. If anyone happens to be in the area just let me know. Chris

        Great to hear about your trip, Chris, and hope you have a wonderful time. I attended the Oktoberfest back in the Eighties and the joint was rockin’. Lots of ways to spend money. Not quite 3 years ago, my wife and I traveled to London then on to Normandy. Bucket List item, and to see all of that was inspiring.

        Safe travels!

        Berlin U.S. Military Veterans Association, Inc.

    • #1036

      Chris. Good to hear that you plan on retiring in April 2020. Get out while you can and healthy enough. Enjoy you trip to Europe; especially that you are still able to travel. When I retired in 1991 my frau and I made 10 trips to Europe; now with bad knee’s our trips are limited to the USA; which is good. BUSMVA will watch the home front while you are away.  EP


    • #1047

      Not much being posted for some reason; maybe because of not being PC literate; maybe some members don’t care; thanks OK.;  really  . Many members not PC literate; God bless them.


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