Leaving W. Berlin

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  • #2010

    Anybody remember leaving W. Berlin from the RTO and  going back to the land of the big PX? My day was 14 November 1963 (OMG); and I’m still alive. The train left for Frankfurt A/M in the evening; arrived in Frankfurt the next morning. We stayed in Frankfurt for one day. Then left for Bremerhaven for the wonderful sea voyage back to Brooklyn. I believe I returned to the USA on the Maurice Rose.  Luckily the “cruise” home was uneventful; good weather. Nothing to do onboard but sleep;  play cards; and some returnee’s smuggled booze onboard. We arrived home on the day before Thanksgiving in November 1963. It was good to return home and see “family”.  But believe it or not after couple days at home I missed Army life (OMG). Almost re-enlisted but I  met my better half soon after returning home. The rest is history. We are still married.  Anyone have stories to relate to about returning back to CONUS? Good or bad.   Until later.   Auf Wiedersehen.


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    • #2011

      Not much being posted recently.  Probably not many of us are alive; or  many don’t care. That’s ok. Until later.   Adios from New Jersey. 


      • #2012
        Larry Gustafson

        Ed, Arrived in Berlin Aug. 1st 1966 and left Feb. 6th . 1969. Both ways was by plane, no boat. Was in the 287th and what a great assignment.  After getting out I  missed Berlin and the 287th and all those I knew and worked with. Did take alot of pictures while I was there. Day I left with another buddy we got together in back of the company and we rode in the lead MP car and behind us was one pov and another MP car and 3 jeeps and on our way to Tegel. Still keep in contact with several of the guys I was with. Got on the police department in April 69 and around 3 years after getting on we had 2 man cars and one of the guys I was working with started telling me how he went to college and got a degree instead of going in the service. He went on about it for awhile and how much more he knew etc. I just replied that’s good and I could go if I wanted to but probably won’t. I told him that my experience in Berlin, working with German Police and all the guys and the duties we had that you cannot buy it or read about it in a book and I would not trade it for nothing. After work went and had a few beers and had a good talk.

    • #2015
      R. W. Rynerson

      Summing up, my dad called my 27 months in Berlin “the master’s degree you didn’t get because of the draft.”  I had used my leave and three-day passes in Europe.

      In 1971 was sent home via Pan Am, then Amtrak on my way to Portland, Oregon from Fort Dix to NYC, to Albany, to Cleveland, to Chicago, to Portage, to Seattle and then home.  It was interesting to see the changes in the country since I had left in May 1969.

      -- rwr

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