My Stuff on eBay – Berlin Related

Home Forums General Discussion My Stuff on eBay – Berlin Related

  • Creator
  • #709
    Kenneth Gunnett

    I was a member of the 287th. MP Co. I’m now retired, I have designed a number of Berlin related items (coins and patches) and I sell them on eBay under the seller name of EKG68046.

    I have produced a Veteran of the 287th., Checkpoint Charlie coin. Limited Edt. of 200
    A Proudly Served Berlin Brigade Coin, for coins checks. Limited Edt. of 150
    A Checkpoint Charlie patch for the MP’s. Limited Edt. of 300
    A patch for the Combined Police Station (287/GP’s) Limited Edt. of 300

    My latest coin will be a Berlin Brigade & US Transportation Corps coin for the US Duty Train, I’m only doing 100 of those.

    So, if you see my stuff on eBay, least you will know that a Berlin soldier designed them. I made the mistake of taking names for pre-order, and when they finally arrived, people suddenly discovered that they no longer want to buy, so I got stuck with tons of unsold product. My best customers are living in Berlin.

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  • Author
    • #716
      Kenneth Gunnett

      I just added a duty train coin to my collection on eBay.  I’ve sold over 20 in less than 15 hours.    My Checkpoint Charlie is a nice coin too

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