Christopher Tureaud

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  • in reply to: Reinhard #2257
    Christopher Tureaud

    Hey RW


    You can quote me and/or credit me at your discretion.

    in reply to: Reinhard #2247
    Christopher Tureaud

    Well, my month long Europe trip was a success. Stayed in Berlin, Krakow, Prague, Salzburg, Munich, Istanbul, Zurich and Frankfurt. Had an outstanding time with no issues. It was great to be able to spend several days in Berlin. Every time I go there it is like coming home. Feels great. Of course, we had to eat them out of every curry we could find.


    In Krakow, my friend and I went to the central train station to catch the rail to Prague. The whole station was jam packed full of Ukraine refugees and there was no rail space to be had. Poland and Germany were offering free rail to all Ukranians to points west and south. It was good to see that there were so many volunteers assisting the refugees with transportation, food and drink and whatever else they needed. We ended up having to fly to Prague but no big deal. There were a lot of refugees in Prague as well but not nearly as many as in Krakow.


    Well, I never heard back from Reinhard after several emails. Guess I will go ahead and be like most of us on here and just write it off to him not wanting to communicate any more. Oh well, what can you do??





    in reply to: BUSMVA Apparel – vendor update #2135
    Christopher Tureaud

    I opened it just fine today. No issues.



    in reply to: Reinhard #1981
    Christopher Tureaud

    Reinhard and I in the Gruenewald, about October 1982.

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    in reply to: Reinhard #1979
    Christopher Tureaud


    Könntest du Reinhard mitteilen, dass ich versucht habe, ihn zu kontaktieren? Ich fliege im März nach Berlin und würde ihn gerne dort sehen.

    Ein Freund und ich werden Anfang März für etwa eine Woche in Berlin sein. Es wäre schön, mit ihm zu Abend zu essen.

    Ich danke dir.




    in reply to: Reinhard #1959
    Christopher Tureaud

    Please let him know that I have been worried about him. I emailed him several times over the past year or so and have not gotten a reply. Was wondering if something had happened to him.


    He can have my email:



    in reply to: Checkpoint Charlie Book #1078
    Christopher Tureaud

    It looks like it is available on Amazon right now

    in reply to: Heart Valve Surgery #1059
    Christopher Tureaud



    Glad to hear your boss is doing well. Hope you are as well.



    in reply to: any one alive ??? #1035
    Christopher Tureaud


    I joined SMPD in June of 1986. Right now my plan is to retire in April next year. I think that will be enough.

    I am currently the night shift patrol commander. I also supervise our K9 unit, drone team, FTO program and the traffic homicide unit. They all keep me quite busy.

    A friend and I are leaving on September 24th for two weeks in Europe. We are going to London, Edinburgh, Munich for Octoberfest and then Paris/Normandy. My buddy is a Marine so of course we will have to go to Belleau Woods.

    Should be a fun time. If anyone happens to be in the area just let me know.


    in reply to: any one alive ??? #1029
    Christopher Tureaud

    Hey Ed, I am still alive.

    I was in Berlin from Sept82 until Mar85. Our unit (287th MP) didn’t really do anything for departing members but I did get a plaque that was pretty nice.

    If anyone wants any BUSMVA patches, coins, or stickers, feel free to hit me up. I will get you order out pretty quickly.

    Several people have asked me about getting the Cold War or Vietnam veteran pins like we got from the National Infantry Museum. I do not have any of those; they were given to the members at the last reunion. I will give the museum a call shortly to find out if we can obtain some from them so we can have them available. I will keep you guys (and gals) posted.


    in reply to: Joe Morrison's Address BUSMVA GEAR. #801
    Christopher Tureaud

    Texas is the greatest country in the world, uh, I mean, Texas is the greatest state in the union.

    Joe did a fantastic job as sales director for the past, oh, 27 years? But if you want BUSMVA things that you used to get from him you can now get from me.

    Chris Tureaud

    310 Laurel Hill

    San Marcos, Texas 78666


    Feel free to call me or email me.



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