Forum Replies Created
ParticipantThe June 2021 “BUSMVA Observer” Excellent report reference the” State of the Association” Especially the financial assets info from Merrell Proctor, election proctor. Glad to see the 93% renewal rate. Until later; does anyone remember the music that was played at the RTO when trains were leaving W. Berlin (1963 my era)? Trains were going to Bremerhaven or Frankfurt a/Main.
ParticipantMy first Memorial Day in W. Germany before going to W. Berlin. Was a member of the railway MP’s- 570th MP Co.; unit was in Frankfurt A/M. We rode DB trains looking for GI’; AWOL; or whatever. . My first train ride was to Augsburg, W. Germany and back. My partner was Sgt. Crowe. God bless him. He was wounded in Korea; lost sight in one eye. But would follow him into battle. We didn’t find any GI’s on the trains. I wonder whatever happened to Sgt. Crowe. Any member know or remember him? After returning to Frankfurt; was shipped to W. Berlin Unit (570th MP Co). The rest is history. Anyhow hope all enjoyed Memorial Day.
ParticipantHello “thedoug”.Wishing you a happy and healthy new year; with NO SNOW “I HOPE”.
ParticipantChuck, many members are getting old!!. Some don’t remember the good old days in W. Berlin. Like you said there is plenty to discuss but?? we can’t. Any members remember the train ride into W. Berlin from Bremerhaven or Frankfurt A/M? or leaving W. Berlin?? I was a member of the 570th MP Co. (railway MP’s).Arriving in W. Berlin as a “boot” no problem for the MP’s; but returning home to the the land of the big PX!! another story. Berliner Weiss!!!; did I spell it correctly. Chuck, anyhow may my small talk about W. Berlin will wake up members. If not ok. I returned home in November 1963; after JFK was murdered our “tour” ship was 1/2 way home. But returned home the day before Thanksgiving 1963. My “tour” ship was the GEIGER (troop ship). Now our service people fly; good for them. After being notified that JFK was murdered we expected to return to the “fatherland”. Never happened.
ParticipantHow many members do we have? Members that pay yearly for membership. BUSMVA members are getting old; omg; nothing wrong with that. What else can you do??? I will continue to pay membership dues until I am 6 feet??? Enjoy your day.
ParticipantThe Soviet GI’s loved the Playboy magazine; American cigarettes. When the duty train stopped at Marienborn the Soviet GI’s trades were made. We had to make sure we and they never got caught trading. Maybe we prevented WW3 with our trades; lol.
ParticipantSpent 1 year in Berlin (Nov-1962-Nov-1963). Original orders to Frankfurt 570th MP Co. They wanted volunteers for the W. Berlin unit. I raised my right hand (LOL). I heard the frauleins outnumbered the men in the divided city. I was not disappointed. That’s another story (LOL). Remember we were all young in 1962-1963.
ParticipantMemorial Day May 1962!!! My first day on duty with the 570th MP co. in Frankfurt Germany. This was before being assigned to W. Berlin. Wow, 58 years ago! Still alive like other members. Thank God. Any other members have stories to tell: first day in the fatherland. Enjoy the holiday weekend and remember all those who died in the service of the USA.
ParticipantI don’t know about other members; but all you hear/listen to is BLAME SOMEONE!!! BLAME THIS GROUP!!!!!. for the virus. The virus is not “political”; it’s real everyday living!!! Stay safe; do what the medical community want you to do. We will survive like we’ve done in the past with disasters.
ParticipantI received an email/photo’s from Reinhard. Former W. Berlin police officer and BUSMVA contributor. He just celebrated his 72nd birthday. Some members may/may not know him. Anyhow it was good to hear from him.
ParticipantChris. Thanks for your reply. Everything good here. Four/six weeks until full recovery.
ParticipantBerry, this was a planned surgery. Got home yesterday 17 October. Today, 100% better!!!!. Being home does that. Thanks for the reply. I’ll be a chauffeur; cook; nurse; bottle washer; for awhile!!! Went for followup with Dr. this AM; very pleased with progress.
ParticipantNot much being posted for some reason; maybe because of not being PC literate; maybe some members don’t care; thanks OK.; really . Many members not PC literate; God bless them.
ParticipantChris. Good to hear that you plan on retiring in April 2020. Get out while you can and healthy enough. Enjoy you trip to Europe; especially that you are still able to travel. When I retired in 1991 my frau and I made 10 trips to Europe; now with bad knee’s our trips are limited to the USA; which is good. BUSMVA will watch the home front while you are away. EP
ParticipantChris. Good you are still alive. Are you retired from the San Marcos TX PD? If not if you can retire::: say adios; and of course if you can’t retire AMEN. I’ve been retired from the Plainfield NJ PD since August 1991. Thank God good health; Don’t miss PD stuff. I find after you retire from whereever you are not remembered. you are nothing but a name and number. Enjoy your day. ep