Theodore Lease

Forum Replies Created

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  • in reply to: Anytning to discuss?? #1014
    Theodore Lease

    Well, it will soon be time for members to start renewing their memberships. Based on the new web page and the number of people using it compared to the old web site, could it be that renewals of membership will drop off. Losing Reinhard’s web site and then our Old Web Site being changed, seems to have had a negative effect with the membership. Come renewal time, what happens will probably tell the future for BUSMA.

    in reply to: Anytning to discuss?? #749
    Theodore Lease

    Well, four and almost 5 months have gone by since new web site went on line and I started checking it only once every 3 weeks to see what has been posted.  Well posting for this period averages 10.5 per month, which is lower than the old web site.  I guess the new site has not been welcomed by a majority of the membership because of the new format.  I of course was never active in posting but did enjoy reading all the issues and comments.   My main reason for joining BUSMA years ago was just to read most of Reinhardt’s postings and to see what he was posting on his web site.  Well, those days are gone it seems, which comes with change———but I will keep checking the web site hoping something interesting will get posted.

    in reply to: new website #703
    Theodore Lease

    Hurray, hurray——94 total posts on all forums so far since new web site was activated

    in reply to: Anytning to discuss?? #661
    Theodore Lease

    Oh, the old days, when you went to the board and could always find something, Scott or someone else was posting. Things will never get back to the way they were, so I guess checking the board every day will change to checking it once every 2 or 3 weeks.

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