Forum Replies Created
ParticipantTheodore I agree with what you posted. Maybe we are all getting older. No problem with that; how can we stop it. We are still here. Not many people I talk to have no idea about the Berlin stuff that happened during our tour. Ok with that. Let’s enjoy our tour via BUSMVA. Will be offline for several days. Will be visiting friends near Houton, Maine. My former CO from my Berlin unit is buried at St. Monica’s Cemetery. Capt. G. Weeks. Former enlisted ; OCS retired as Lt. Col. Really good person. May he rest in peace.
ParticipantHello Theodore. I’ve noticed not much being posted as before. I believe some members may have a problem understanding how to log onto the new BUSMVA website. In other words not PC literate. No disrespect to anyone. It took awhile for me to finally log on; and I consider myself PC literate. Not bragging at all. I’m paid up for 2020 BUSMVA membership. Anyhow keep up the good work; keep reminding members “on how to do it”.
ParticipantJohn, 58 years ago August 1961 I was on the beach in Manasquan, New Jersey reading the newspaper about the Berlin wall being built. Twenty-one years old; waiting to be drafted soon after the US increased the number of draftees because of the crisis. Oh well, we survived and we are still alive. John, have you been back to Berlin since 1961?
ParticipantI do remember on the Berlin duty train between W. Berlin and Frankfurt; For some reason the train stopped; the E. German locomotive left us!!! I don’t remember how long we were without heat. I guess the E. Germans and Soviets were screwing with us. The event happened in the winter. But we survived like we also did. . I guess we won theCOLD WAR.
ParticipantI was all set to go on duty re: 2400-0800 tour for my pd. I was ready to leave my home when on TV the landing was occuring. I watched it and then left for work. Interesting topic to discuss via BUSMVA about where you were!!! on that date. Anyone remember their first day in Germany upon arriving via the slow boat’s to China!!!! Maurice Rose; Geiger; and others. My voyage to the DB was on the Maurice Rose. Great; calm sea’s. Hopefully something to discuss re; BUSMVA. Enjoy the HEAT in the east. I never had a hot/humid day in Germany during my tour of duty.
ParticipantChuck, Good morning. Yes, I agree with you; no activity like before. I hate to repeat myself; but many members are not PC literate; and unable to switch over. Hope you have a good day.
ParticipantChris. I just checked the BUSMVA website. OK with your message. Will update my file here.
ParticipantI find that Facebook is inquisitive and to much junk is posted by members. I really don’t care about facebook members posting “junk” about their lives. Like we did this; we remember that: in other otherwords “who cares”. It’s good for some Facebook members. Finding old friends; or contacting friends from years ago or today. Enjoy your Sunday.
ParticipantJoe, no problem. I would rather live in Missouri instead of TEXAS!!!! My best man at my wedding living in Missouri City Texas; he’s formerly from Somerville New Jersey; his business is in Texas. He hates Texas. Oh well. To each his own.
ParticipantOMG he won. But he respects our CIC. That’s all that matter’s.
ParticipantIf members think logging into the BUSMVA website is difficult; try logging into the It’s like secret info is available and a top secret clearance is needed. OMG. I may have to call Bill Gates to help me. I’ll stick to the old fashion way “landline”. Have a good day.
ParticipantThanks Larry Rugg. Larry Gustafson; God bless you; stay safe. Strange weather this year. Keep us advised. Berlin. never had flooding but cold; cold weather. The good old days.
ParticipantPolitics and religion should be discussed in my opinion. What happened during our tour of duty is important; but what is happening now is more important. To many people live in the past; I care about what’s important now; religion and politics.
ParticipantI hope my previous message is not lost in “cyberspace”. In other words DELETED!!!!.
ParticipantThe USA and North Korea meeting in Viet Nam. I never thought it would happen for the 2nd time; previous administrations did nothing but TALK. Now the other side of the political spectrum will critcize our efforts. Anything to downgrade progress for world peace. It’s better to talk then to destroy!!! each other. To change the subject; is there a danger at the southern border? between Mexico and the states involved? Many elected officials say NO. Real fools.