Forum Replies Created
Larry Gustafson
ParticipantEd, Arrived in Berlin Aug. 1st 1966 and left Feb. 6th . 1969. Both ways was by plane, no boat. Was in the 287th and what a great assignment. After getting out I missed Berlin and the 287th and all those I knew and worked with. Did take alot of pictures while I was there. Day I left with another buddy we got together in back of the company and we rode in the lead MP car and behind us was one pov and another MP car and 3 jeeps and on our way to Tegel. Still keep in contact with several of the guys I was with. Got on the police department in April 69 and around 3 years after getting on we had 2 man cars and one of the guys I was working with started telling me how he went to college and got a degree instead of going in the service. He went on about it for awhile and how much more he knew etc. I just replied that’s good and I could go if I wanted to but probably won’t. I told him that my experience in Berlin, working with German Police and all the guys and the duties we had that you cannot buy it or read about it in a book and I would not trade it for nothing. After work went and had a few beers and had a good talk.
Larry Gustafson
ParticipantI emailed him in July and heard back from him. He was doing fine. Will send off another email also to him.
Larry Gustafson
ParticipantR.W. There was a store across the street from the RTO that I would go to for Hummel Figurines that I would send home. The guy there gave me some paper’s with pictures and prices on them. My parents along with my sisters, aunt, and neighbor would send me money and what they wanted. The guy would box them up all ready to ship home. I bought a few myself and all ways remember he had one called the manger scene and it was around $80. Never bought that one.
Larry Gustafson
ParticipantJust talked with the guy in charge here of the fundraiser and he said there will be 5 cabins 5 rooms each in Paris Tennessee for veterans to meet and get together do some fishing, talk etc.
Larry Gustafson
ParticipantSocial Club I belong to in Rockford, Ill is hosting a Dark Horse Lodge fundraiser in Sept. Just wondered if anyone has been to one.
Larry Gustafson
ParticipantHave a great time. We are going over next month to Dubuque , Iowa to one of the casinos that has simulcast horse racing and greyhounds in the evening. Nice country drive over, 80 minutes or so. Might even stop by Envision Tees.
Larry Gustafson
ParticipantLeft Feb. 6th, 1969 from the 287th and not a flake of snow on the ground.
Larry Gustafson
ParticipantI know what you mean ,thedoug, don’t live in Minnesota but northern Illinois, Rockford. Had plenty of snow but not as bad as some other places. Family friends and everything else is here so won’t be going anywhere. And yes GOD Bless America.
Larry Gustafson
ParticipantWas looking at the last issued of the Observer ,July 15 1994 and seen Capt. Bill Louden and the men of the 287th in the last parade. Just wondered if anyone reading this was in the parade or at the 287th the final days.
Larry Gustafson
ParticipantCannot remember if I was working that day or not. If not sure I would of been stopping by the EM club or possibly Kramers. I kept all three menus from the 287th , 1966-67-68, and was just refreshing my memory on what we had to eat. It was sure a great meal and great time. Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Larry Gustafson
ParticipantRemember you also we were in the same platoon.
Larry Gustafson
ParticipantWas in the 287th Aug. 1 1966 -Feb. 7th 1969. Took the duty train to Bremerhaven then onto Malmo , Sweden. Father and his family born in Sweden and I was invited by relatives to come up meet them and visit. Got some bottles of liquor and took them as liquor was expensive in Sweden. Great time. Wish I would of never taken a leave home for 30days and should of taken advantage of a once in a lifetime experience and stayed there. As the years went by I realized that. A couple other guys and me did go to Spain. After getting on the Police Department I remember one of Lt’s also telling a Sgt. they we had some new officers coming on and he told the Police Chief I want anyone with military experience as I can tell them right away. Also sure enjoy the observer and appreciate all that the board and everyone involved does.
Larry Gustafson
ParticipantWas at Steinstucken one time and we were walking around the border and when we got to the guard tower by the tracks that went through Stein we threw a pack of cigarettes over the wire and one of the German guards came down and got it and said thanks Yankee and then used his hand to go over his tracks going back to the guard tower.
Larry Gustafson
ParticipantWas in the 287th and we had MP’s that would ride the duty train but I never had the duty. Worked patrol (line duty) my time there. Did take the duty train to Bremerhaven then onto Sweden to see some relative’s I had never met. Do remember some trading going on when we would take a convoy down to Helmstedt and stop at the checkpoint in the East. Beside’s playboy they also liked our cigarettes and cigarette lighters
Larry Gustafson
ParticipantFirst off have said before how lucky I was to have been sent to Berlin, Aug 1,1966 to Feb. 7 1969, and what a great experience it was. Just one story after I arrived in Berlin and been there about 2 weeks I almost got KP when in line in the mess hall and the head cook was cooking hamburgers and I said ” They are small enough a pickle slice will cover them and only a little cigarette ash.” He had a few words to say and I went to the back of the line. Not to smart for a private but we talked later and it worked out.